Friends of Page Park
Compost Spread : Wednesday 12th Sept 9am to midday. The park coordinator, Dan, has asked for lots of help putting the compost around the new plants. Please let us know if you can help.
Planting Party : Monday 25th November 9am-mid-day
Its National Tree Planting week next week and as our part of improving our environment the Friends of Page Park are planting a wildlife hedge around the Compost/Recycling area on the corner of Park Road/South View.
Please see our tree page for photos of this event
Horticulture Volunteer Training Sessions
As part of the Heritage Lottery project to restore Page Park the Park Co-ordinator, Paul, is organising some Volunteer Training Sessions in all things Horticulture.
Paul would like to hear from our park users and community of the types of training people would like to have, from Growing Seeds, Growing to Eat, Pruning etc.
Register your interest via e-mail
Plant Sale 18th May 2024
Thank you to all you lovely people who donated plants and helped at our very successful Plant Sale
It was a busy day - more or less shifted the 200 plus tomatoes grown by our Vice-Chair, Steph.
We talked to lots of our community and attracted a couple of new members
Total Sales around £560 ( the card sales company took a small percentage) which was fantastic and will go into our Plant Fund to purchase future plants and materials.
We have recently revamped the boat and added sustainable planting, this alone has cost £450, and that doesn't include the top soil which was supplied by SGC, nothing is cheap these days.
In the Autumn our aim is to revamp the raised bed nearest the Bird Aviary.
The Sensory Garden Volunteers are looking for help with some pruning of a few tall shrubs.
If you can help they are in the Garden on a Wednesday morning 9am-11am.
Thanks go to Julia Wimbush for her lovely photo of the war memorial surrounded by beautiful blooms.
Planting Party : Wednesday 6 Sept 2017 : 9.30 to 2.30pm
A huge THANK YOU to all the volunteers who came along to our planting session this morning.
We had lots of help of all ages and the beds look amazing.
There will be a couple more planting parties arranged for the coming weeks so more opportunities for people to come along and help make the park look lovely!
Planting Party #4 and #5 : Wednesday 8th and Saturday 11th November: 9am to 1pm
More planting! Can you help? Please let us know. Even just an hour would help. Bring your own trowel / spade.
Planting Party #6 : Wednesday 29 November: 9am to 11am
This coming Wednesday (29th) we are having another planting party. We have about 1000 bulbs to be planted and it would be great to have as many people from the community as possible taking part so as to help get the job done.
This will be from 9am to 11am, meeting at the war memorial. If you are able to help for any of this time that would be much appreciated.
Can you help? Please let us know. Even just an hour would help. Bring your own trowel / spade.
Please follow this link to the volunteering page where we list our latest activities for each day of the month.
Sensory Garden planting : Wednesday 8 June 2016
Some of our volunteers have been busy in the Sensory Garden starting to make use of this award. Many thanks to the team that assembled on Saturday ready to transfer a delivery of compost into the flower beds. That has been followed up today by numerous new plants being put into the beds.
So a huge thank you to our volunteers who have helped to make the Sensory Garden such a delight, and thanks also to the People's Postcode Lottery for their funding.
Here are a few pictures of today's activities:
Community Gardening and Growing for the Table sessions : May June 2024
There are lots of opportunities to improve our park, improve where we live and learn about horticulture, but also to come together to make new friends, have a chat, coffee and a laugh.
Page Park have three volunteering sessions a week plus a Growing for the Table session
Planting Party #3 : Saturday 7th October : 9.30 to 1 pm.
The other planting parties have been during the week so this is a chance for those unable to help out mid week to come along and join in.
We will be planting the new beds around the Clock Tower, the East side of the Broad Street entrance, the bed by the children's play area, the circular area around the tulip tree, and by the Tennis pavilion.
This is the second stage of the planting schemes from The Friends and funded by our Postcode Lottery grant funding. Please bring your own tools if you can.
Pop-up Plant Sale : Sat 23 September 2020
Two of the Friends, Liz and Pete, are setting up a Plant Stall in the park on Saturday 11am-4pm selling lots of perennials, house plants, Willow trees, shrubs, herbs rambling roses etc.
Planting Party #2 : Wednesday 4 October 2017 : 9.30 to 2 pm.
This time we planted the new bed opposite the War Memorial and around the clock tower.
Thank you to all those who helped. You're making our park a nice place to be!
Planting Party : Wednesday 18th April 9.30 - 12.30.
We need lots of help to plant the remaining plants before the weather changes so the more the merrier.
The forecast is sunny 16-18 degrees, so a lovely day to be in the park. If you have spades, forks etc please bring them along. Can you help? Please let us know. Even just an hour would help.
Planting Party : Thursday 15 February 2018 : 9am to midday. If you have spades, forks etc please bring them along. Can you help? Please let us know. Even just an hour would help.
Christmas Tree in Page Park : December 2017
We are super excited that Wyevale donated a tree for us to plant in the sensory garden. It will be a root-ball tree (i.e not in a pot) which is about 80-100cm tall, so will have plenty of time to grow.
Its latin name is Picea abies (Norway Spruce). We invited local school children to decorate the tree.
Free Growing Sessions: Starting Wed 16th Sept 2020 through to 2021
We're running free growing sessions for any community members who would like to learn how to grow, harvest, cook and eat a wide range of seasonal vegetables, such as root crops, brassicas, onions and leafy greens. Click on this link for more information and to register your interest
Pop-up Plant Sale : 19 September 2020
Don't forget our 'Pop Up' sales in the park and Plant Sale on 19th September. We'll be under the Clock Tower. Why not pick up one of our lovely calendars while you're there!
We welcome donations of plants, garden produce and all things gardening as we raise funds to develop our beautiful park.
Planting Party : Wednesday 23rd May 9am to midday Sensory Garden. If you have spades, forks etc please bring them along. Can you help? Please let us know. Even just an hour would help.
Planting Party : Wednesday 24 January 2018 : 9am to 1pm
The aim is to plant up the area just inside the Park Road gates. If you have spades, forks etc please bring them along. Can you help? Please let us know. Even just an hour would help.
Seeds Wanted Please! : February 2020
Our Park Co-ordinator, Paul, has asked for the local community to come together and donate any old packets of seeds that they don't want. It doesn't make any difference if it's annuals, perennials, wild flowers or vegetables e.g. tomato, chilli peppers courgettes etc. There are several groups within the park that can grow them for planting in the park, for selling to raise funds for the different charities working in the park. Also the growing of the seeds will be part of the work by the Be Empowered Farm Futures group.
Donations of seed can be make in the Bean Tree Cafe who have a box under the counter. Please make sure your seeds are clearly marked and properly sealed.
We have purchased lots of plants for planting in various locations around the park using a grant from the Peoples Postcode Lottery. The first batch of plants were planted at our first 'Planting Party' around the new cafe building in September 2017. This is Phase 1 of the new flower beds. Lots more planting days have taken place and are regularly advertised on this website, Facebook and twitter. All help is very much appreciated, if you have spade, trowel etc please bring along and we usually gather for a bacon sandwich at the Bean Tree Cafe before we start. If you would like to help then please let us know so we can get an idea of numbers.
We were of course absolutely delighted to have been awarded £20,000 recently by the People's Postcode Lottery with the money to go towards planting in Page Park.
Seed Swap : 3rd March 2018 : 10am to 12pm in the Nest (at the new cafe)
Neil from the Friends of Page Park is organising a Seed Swap which will
be held in the Nest (at the new cafe). Read more from Neil by clicking here