Friends of Page Park
Water feature removal
(July 2017)
The old water feature in the Sensory Garden is being demolished and removed. The feature was lovely when first installed but that was a long time ago and the water has not flowed for many many years now. New water regulations and the state of the construction meant that it could not feasibly be brought back to life.
So we will now add 'new water feature' to our shopping list for the park. Also the tubular chimes will stay in place and get a new coat of paint!
Winter Opening Times
(from Monday 31st October 2016)
South Gloucestershire Council Grounds Crew will close the Sensory Garden gates during the winter months.
The gates will close at :
Monday to Thursday - 2.30pm
Fridays - 1.30pm
The Friends will continue to close them at weekends. If anyone would like to help with this please let us know.
Can you help with watering the Sensory Garden?
(summer 2017)
We are looking to set up a rota of helpers to water the Sensory Garden at least twice a week during the summer months.
The extra hot weather has left the garden so dry; especially the raised beds and the boat and many plants are struggling to exist.
The Friends spend hours watering so if you could spare an hour or two anytime during the week that would be really helpful.
Please get in touch to let us know if you can help.