Friends of Page Park

> Page Park Autumn Tree Walks

20 & 21 October 2017

35 adults and 6 children joined us for three autumn tree walks held over the weekend in Page Park with tree expert Ian Monger.  As well as a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the trees in the park and enjoy them in their Autumn glory, the walks also herald the start of the development of new Tree Trail which will provide information about our trees to all who visit the park in the future.

As an initial element in this, South Gloucestershire Council will be undertaking tree works in Page Park commencing Monday 6 February for approximately 1 week. As detailed in the plan, the works will include crown lifting and pollarding of specific trees and removal of trees which have poor health and structural integrity. The works will commence in the South East corner, progressing in an anti-clockwise direction around the park.   Where possible, logs are going to local school and one log is being kept for our new play area.  Chipping for mulch is being used in other local locations.


The montage below shows the ongoing maintenance work on the trees in Page Park (6th Feb), and further below you'll find a selection of images of our trees both old and new.

> Page Park Autumn Tree Walks

Sat 22 September 2018 : 11am and 2.30pm 

Join tree expert Ian Monger for one of 2 free guided walks around Page Park this Autumn.  Meet in the Sensory Garden.

‘A very enjoyable and informative event. A great idea for local people to come together and learn about the natural and historic environment in Page Park.’

‘Ian is so knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Great to meet other local people. Page park is a beautiful place and events encourage me and others to come and use the facilities and the new café.’

‘Well illustrated and well explained.  Helps to make you appreciate the beauty and interest that we have in Page Park.  Good to learn about the thinking behind the newly planted trees.  Fascinating to her about Alderman Page’s oak tree’

> National Tree Planting Week

Monday 25th November 9am-mid-day

Its National Tree Planting week and as our part of improving our environment the Friends of Page Park planted a wildlife hedge around the Compost/Recycling area on the corner of Park Road/South View.

We had 150 plants donated from the Woodland Trust.

Photo credit : Terry Graham

Page park enjoys a large variety of different trees.  In the montage below you can see some of the different species.  Why not take a stroll and discover them for yourself?

(Image courtesy of Terry Graham)

Update : 27 March 2017 : Tree planting and launch of tree management plan 

Take a look a the South Glos Council Newsroom website for details and a lovely photo of the children of Page Park preschool who marked the occasion with the planting of a new tree.

Update : 30 March 2017
The new trees are going in!  This is part of the Heritage Lottery Project's Tree Management Plan. There was no funding at first but with a generous donation from The Forest of Avon Trust and £2,500 from the Friends over 32 new trees are being planted.


Scroll down down down! For all the latest info on the tree planting, photos of tree activities and to link to a copy of the tree management plan.

Page Park Tree Consultation


The stage 1 and stage 2 consultations have now closed. The results have being analysed and you can find out more about the results below.


You can find out more information at the South Gloucestershire Council Consultation page and view a copy of the slides of a presentation given at the launch event on Wednesday, June 22nd 2016.


The Tree Management plan, which includes a map of all the changes in the park, can be found here.


Lime tree avenue on approach to clock tower.

Tree planting 100 years ago

Update : 3 April 2017 : Page Park Tree Management Plan Download

Many thanks to everyone involved in the development of the Page Park Tree Management Plan. The plan outlines how we will manage and maintain the variety of different trees in Page Park, including several iconic formal avenues of lime, pine and horse chestnuts, to ensure the character of this beautiful Edwardian park is protected for future generations. The plan is now available on the South Glos council’s website. Click here to download a copy.

The plan follows the planting of 33 new trees in the park, including mulberry, dawn redwood and dove tree. The new additions were funded by the Forest of Avon Trust and the Friends of Page Park and have increased the variety of trees in Page Park by 58 per cent.

The view today​

Tree works and new planting

We are very pleased to say that the proposed works and planting of new specimen trees will now take place over the next 2 months. This exciting investment of new tree planting in Page Park has been possible thanks to external funding from the People’s Postcode Lottery (secured by the Friends of Park) and The Forest of Avon Trust.

Update : 27 March 2017 : Tree planting and launch of tree management plan 

Take a look a the South Glos Council Newsroom website for details and a lovely photo of the children of Page Park preschool who marked the occasion with the planting of a new tree.