Friends of Page Park
> Update: 4th September 2018: Page Park Restoration Project
> Update: 20th April 2018. Installation of the Wartime interpretation panel
Read all about it here.
Update (25 March 2017)
Work continues on our new building and clock tower renovations. Thank you to local photographer Terry Graham for this collage of the latest changes.
> Update: 28th January 2020:
Page Park Restoration Project
Other Park updates
WE DID IT! £1.6m winning HLF bid
The Friends of Page Park are delighted to announce that the bid to the Parks for People programme was successful and the Heritage Lottery Fund and Big Lottery will be giving £1,628,708 to the project. With all the other funding the total for the park will be £2,182,114. This is fantastic news and will ensure the park will be there for generations to come.
We will keep you informed of the progress and plans. Scroll to the bottom for the latest news.
If you would like to help us in this huge project please come along to our meetings, make a donation or contact us.
Look out for regular updates on : the new cafe & community space, the renovations to our Clock Tower including the interpretation plaque, the work on the tennis pavillion, and other aspects of the lottery funded work
Update : 25th June 2017
The build marches on! It really isn't that long to go now until the cafe opens and our park renovations are complete (well, this stage of them anyway!). It might not look like it to the casual observer but things are moving along. It's a sad fact of life that not everybody has the park's best interests at heart - but the impressive looking CCTV security tower should provide some protection. Don't forget that if you spot anything not quite right in the park you can contact the police. Watch this space for details of the cafe opening coming very soon. We're really excited!
Update : 28 July / 5 Aug
It's open!
Click here to see details of the ceremony on 28 July and the grand opening on 5 Aug.
HLF Update - 25 October 2016
We are soon to reach an exciting milestone in the Page Park Restoration Project - the work to build the new cafe & community room building is going to start! Also the work to renovate the clock tower and the tennis courts pavilion.
This does mean that from November 7th there will be significant disruption in the park and this will continue through the winter and spring. The building contractor will have some sections of the park fenced off for the period of the works as shown here:
Update : 14 November 2017
Welcome home to the bells!
Update (9 February 2017)
It's going up! We're really excited to see our new building emerging from the ground. As the wooden frame roof goes on shortly, visitors to the park will get a much better idea of what the finished building will look like. With thanks to Steph Purser for the photography.
The clocktower clock has now been reinstated and the hands installed. The frame is also now up. Committee room/cafe operator tenders are currently being assessed and we hope to let you know of the outcome shortly.
On 28th February, 7pm there is a meeting at aspirations to discuss the interpretation panel by the clocktower. All welcome. We need to start and complete design of the interpretation panel by the clocktower by the end of May to comply with community grant funding requirements. The meeting agreed with revised proposals for the seat and panel to be outside of the clocktower rather than in the centre of the clocktower as originally scoped in the funding bid. At the interpretation meeting we will look further at location, style of sign, content and design and findings will be subsequently circulated for further comment
Update (14 March 2017)
Page Park Clock Tower Interpretation Plaque Proposals
Help us plan interpretation for the iconic Page Park Clock Tower. Please see the attached information and sketch outline plans (below) for a proposal for a metallic heritage plaque to be installed in the floor of the Clock Tower which will highlight the location and age of key historic features in the park.
We would welcome further ideas and comments about this proposal by 21 March as outlined below. Please let us know your thoughts about this idea and any comments on the draft content (e.g. since developing the attached sketch we notice we omitted to include the Clock Tower itself!)
All welcome to join us for the next Friends of Page Park Interpretation Group meeting on 28 Marchat 7pm at Aspirations. At this meeting we will be looking at this proposal and any comments received further with Ruth Coleman, the Interpretation consultant who is working with us on this exciting project.
Many Thanks, Rowena Kenny (Community Spaces Project Officer, South Glos Council)
Update 10 May 2017 - Building Works
Building works are progressing and the site is getting very busy these days. The handover to South Glos council is due on 9 July. We are working with the new cafe owners for an opening event towards the end of July. Watch this space!
Many thanks to all who have been involved with signage and interpretation works so far. The plaque that will go under the Clock Tower is currently being cast. Design for the heritage feature in the cafe is progressing.
The South Glos council project team are appointing a summer intern to work with them this year. She will be starting with at the end of May.
> Update: 8th May. New walls and railings
We've received a very helpful explanation from the Page Park Project team at South Glos Council. Have a look at our new Walls and Railings page.
Update 9th November 2016 - Turf cutting ceremony
A turf cutting event was held at Page Park in Staple Hill to mark the start of building work to create a new café and community building. Cllr Erica Williams was joined by Cllr Heather Goddard and children from Page Park pre-school nursery along with some of the volunteers from the Friends of Page Park who were on hand to help with the ceremonial turf cutting.
Cllr Erica Williams said: “This is a historic milestone for Page Park and all the people who have worked so hard to bring their dreams to a reality. All those involved should feel very proud that their campaigning and fundraising to restore and refurbish the clock tower and tennis pavilion and provide a community building and café has brought them here today.
Work on the new combined café and community building, which will serve as a hub for the park and local community, is now underway and is expected to be completed by June 2017. Other improvements to be made during the five-year refurbishment project include the clock tower restoration, restoration of the tennis pavilion, resurfacing pathways, new gates and railings, a programme of activities and training for volunteers
We've just created our own Bean Tree Cafe page. They also have their own Facebook page. You should check it out!
> Update: 18th April 2018. New walls and railings
It is a positive signal of how dear Page Park is to the local community that there have been so many people saying that they have concerns. [read more here]
Update : 16 Oct 2017 WW2 bunker heritage interpretation panel
Thank you to everyone who has helped with finding images and information. Draft designs will be circulated shortly.
Any further contributions please contact or call 01454 863556
We are also collecting resources for the Heritage Trail and Schools Pack so anything you think maybe of interest please get in touch. We can arrange to scan old photos and also take photos of artefacts.
Update 26 April: Thank you to local photographer Terry Graham for this update of the works.
> Update: 23rd August 2018. Clock Tower Bells
The night time silencer part for the bells has not arrived as expected so it now looks like it should arrive and be fitted next week rather than this week.
Update (18th January 2017)
The foundations to the new cafe are being laid, and work continues on the renovation of the clock tower. With thanks to Terry Graham for the photography.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for details
of the ongoing work on the Page Park Project, including the latest updates on building work in the park.
Thank you to Chris Harris for supplying these images of the clock tower mechanism and bells. We're not exactly sure when they were taken but it could have been 5 years ago during an inspection. We're looking forward to having our clock tower back in a fully operational condition soon!
Update (12 April 2017)
Page Park Clock Tower heritage plaque designs
The final designs for the Park Park heritage plaque are complete. The plaque will be installed under the clock tower. As you can see from the photos below, the final design is for a diamond change within which the heritage info is presented in an oval. The other photo shows the location of the installation.
Please note that the PP in the centre will be further worked so it replicates the PP on the front gates of the park and the squiggle between 1910 – 2017 will be centrally aligned in the final version as it is slightly to the left at the moment. North and South are correctly slightly off centre as shown.
Update 16 May 2017 Clocktower plaque - Cafe Mural
Heritage clock tower plaque design now completed (see below) and currently with manufacturers. Subject to installation and site works logistics installation scheduled 28-30 June.
Café mural area 3.5m high and 2.5m wide. Further discussion notes under development for circulation in due course. A full discussion was had at a very productive meeting on 3rd May. The next meeting is on Wednesday 24th May, 2pm at Staple Hill Library. All welcome!
Update : 11 October 2017
Great news! The temporary metal fencing around the Clock Tower has now been taken away and the area has been re-opened for people to wander through.
This also means that you can have a look at the new plaque that has been embedded into the floor under the Clock Tower.
The clock itself should be working again soon and so we will again hear the chimes.
Do you have any photos - old or new - of the park through its history? We really need to see original postcards, family photos etc and are looking for anything with a Page Park connection. That could be workers in the mines, pin factory, war-time, or the shoe factory. In particular we'd love to get hold of the original, or a really good copy, of the picture of Alderman page (see image below).
If you can help. Please get in touch.
Update : 20 January 2018 : Clock and Chiming Bells
Sadly the Clock and Chiming Bells are temporarily out of action. There is still a bit of work required on the tower structure so it has been decided to wait until this is complete before restoring the clock and bells to full working order. The clock mechanism and wires are very delicate apart from being over 107yrs old so a great deal of care is need when working around it. Hopefully the bells will be up and running again soon.
> Update: 10th July 2018: Page Park Restoration Project
Update on capital/major works:
> Update: 16th July 2018: Cafe wins award
A message from Gráinne Stables, Page Park Project Manger
I’m delighted to let you know that the Café building won the award for the Best Public Service Building (West) at the event on Friday night. There were 9 nominations in the category including some much bigger projects. Criteria for the award are “excellence” in buildings including – technical innovation, sustainability and performance. They also seek the “X” factor - special working relationships that produce new or creative solutions. The architects had entered the project for this award. This means that the building is through to the national finals in London in November. Thanks you for all the input from the Friends which undoubtedly was a factor which contributed to the success.
Update (24 Nov 2016) : Invitation to companies and people to express interest in running the new building.
The notice to invite companies and people to express interest in running the new building has now been published on the procurement portal (and search for DN220222) or click here for a link to the advert.
People have until 14 December 2016 to submit an outline business case and details of their experience and proposals.
Please feel free to spread the word of this invitation as we would like as many people and companies as possible to have the opportunity to place their submission.
Ads will be running in the Observer and the Evening Post the next week.
Update (7 December 2016)
Works on site:
Works began on site on 7 November. Foundations for the new café have been poured. Renovations of the Clock Tower are well underway. Some additional timber replacement has been necessary due to more rot than anticipated. However we no longer require to strip the full roof.
Clock has gone to Cumbria for refurbishment.
Contractors forecasting that all works should be completed by 9 June 2017.
Operation of building:
We are currently advertising for expressions of interest from people or companies interested in running the building. We hope to have selected a preferred bidder by the end of January 2017.
(clockwise from top-left) : view of location of new cafe, clock tower turret, view along approach path from tower, clock face, bells.
New Cafe and community space + other park improvements
Heritage Interpretation Mural
Everybody is welcome on Wednesday 3 May at 3pm to join in this event to help think up ideas for the mural and to have a discussion on further developments. There isn't a location for the meeting at present, so if anybody would like to offer a meeting space or suggest a local venue, please get in touch.
Update (5 January 2017)
Things are moving along well with the new build. In the montage below you can see the progress that has been made over the last few weeks. With thanks to Terry Graham for the photography.
It will all be worth it in the end though!
If you would like to learn more about the buildings work, or any other aspect of the project, then come along to our next meeting. This will be at 7pm on Tuesday 1st November at the Aspirations offices on the corner of South View and Hill House Road. All welcome.
Update (11 February 2017)
A big thank you to local photographer Terry Graham for this montage of photos showing the build progress to date. Watch this space for more news!
> Update: 29th August 2018. Clock Tower Bells
As many of you will have heard, the clock tower bells are back in action and a welcome sound. The silencer has been fitted so that they will not chime through the night. Hopefully they will now carry on without any further interruptions but there may be a need for some adjustments as the new mechanism settles in.
Update : 20 Sept 2017
Can you help? We are gathering information, images and cutting for an interpretive panel. The panel will focus on the World Wars and attached, rather fittingly, to the old air raid shelter near the corner of the park (Park Road / South View).
We're hoping to install the panel by Remembrance Sunday, 12 Nov, so ideally any information you might share with us would come in fairly soon - by the end of the month please.
Update (24 February 2017)
Building work continues on the new cafe. You can now see how the work inside is progressing, and the beautiful spread of the roof. Our wonderful clock tower is still encased in protective scaffold, but you can now peek the golden beauty of the restored clock faces. The bottom photo show the current status of work on the tennis pavilion.
Update : 15 December 2017 : WW2 bunker interpretation panel
Many thanks to you all for all your input into the development of the WW2 bunker interpretation panel for Page Park. See below for the final version which incorporates the further suggestions and edits received this week. Thank you for all your care and attention to detail to help bring together this beautiful interpretation of this important aspect of the history of the park and Staple Hill. We hope your will join us when we have the opening ceremony for the panel next year.
Proposed Cafe Design
The cafe will stand at the end of the pavilion on the cricket pitch side of the Sensory Garden. The plans have obtained planning consent from the Council.
Update : the cafe blueprint has been slightly updated since we first published it on this website. The latest version ("two toilet design - March 2016") is shown below.
Update : 18 July
We can't believe it is just days away from our new cafe and community space being ready for business! Here are a few photos of the inside, showing the lovely mural and a taster of what is to come. The centre piece for the clock tower is being installed and we're looking forward to having our clock in tip top (tick tock?) condition!
Don't forget to join us on 5 August for the cafe opening.
13th February 2018 January 2018: Page Park Project update
Building work:
Clock Tower Bells
The bells have not been working for a while but will be fixed once the final building work has been completed the clock expert will return to get the bells working again. At that time Environmental Health officials will also conduct some tests to assess the noise levels from the bells at night time and advise on the question of whether or not they need to be modified. If modifications are needed then they are likely to cost several £’000.