Friends of Page Park
> Reporting vandalism or antisocial behaviour
In an emergency where people or property are at immediate significant risk of harm please call 999 and safeguard your own safety as a priority. If you see an incident in progress call 999.
To report antisocial behavior or an incident that is non urgent please call 101.
Please report vandalism or other damage to property to the police on 101 and South Gloucestershire Council
South Glos Council contact : 01454 868000
> LOCAL POLICE BEAT SURGERY held every Wednesday, 2-3pm
at the Bean Tree Cafe, Page Park, Staple Hill
Click here for a link to the police website for details of the local team and the next meeting.
"Come and meet your local Neighbourhood Policing Team to discuss any issues or queries you may have, and to bring them up to date with happenings in your community."
11 October 2018 : Public Meeting to Discuss Anti-Social Behaviour, 7pm @ Salvation Army
@ASPStapleHill tweeted "From 7pm tonight we will be at the Salvation Army on the High Street to discuss anti-social behaviour in Staple Hill. This is a public meeting organised by Councillor Ian Boulton so please come along and see what we are doing to tackle the issue."
11 October 2018 : Laser aimed at motorists
Local police spotted some youths in the park last night shinning a green laser pen at motorists between 22:00 and 23:45. Obviously this is very dangerous and the police are keen to speak to those responsible. Please pass on the details to the police on 101.
13 February 2018: Police update (Wayne Hick and Nick Pearce)
There is a beat surgery held every Thursday in the Bean Tree Cafe. This is in conjunction with someone from Merlin Housing and a Dog Officer from SGC. Overall there have not been very many issues or anti-social behaviour in the Park or elsewhere in Staple Hill recently. The Park is visited 2/3 times per day by officers on foot. It is important that any issues are reported to the police straight away so that any increase in anti-social behaviour can be tackled before it escalates.
28 January 2020: General update from Dave Sawyer (the new PCSO)
If you have any information about this damage please contact the Police on 101 and the Anti Social Behaviour Dept at South Glos Council.
9 August 2018: Beat Surgery @ the Bean Tree Cafe in Page Park
@ASPStapleHill tweeted "Thanks to all who attended our beat surgery, especially to these two young chaps who couldn't wait to try on our hats. Engagement with the local youngsters so they see us as the good guys is a vitally important part of community policing. #communityengagment"
6 October 2018 : Children's swings cut by vandals
It is almost beyond belief that the chains on our children's swings have been cut with bolt cutters. A lot of hard work and effort has gone into making our park a nicer place to be and it is terrible that somebody has taken away the small pleasures of playing on a swing from the youngest of our park users. Somebody in our community will know who has committed this act of vandalism and we would ask that you report this to the police on 101.
5 July 2018: Geranium thief
Would you believe that a man pulled out a load of geraniums that were only planted yesterday. He put them in his pushchair and disappeared. It's sad that people have to act in this way; not only spoiling it for others but not appreciating all the hard work and effort that is going in to make our park beautiful.
30 December 2020
Even our beautiful park has been a victim of this mindless graffiti.
If you have any information that could help
South Gloucestershire Neighbourhood Policing
with their enquiries please call them on 101 and let's stop this blight on our community.
25 June 2018: Young Tree Torn Down & Graffiti
Sadly the park sustained some damage on the weekend, fences were torn down and one of the young trees broken in half and will have to be removed. This is the 4th young tree to be damaged, which was part of the Tree Planting Session just over a year ago and was just getting established.
In recent weeks graffiti has also appeared around the park. Please if you see or hear anyone causing damage or behaving in an anti-social manner please would you contact the Police on 999 (incident in progress) or 101
18 October 2018 : Damaged to Climbing Log in Children's playground
The South Glos Play Officer has some concerns about the condition of the climbing log in the bespoke play area at Page Park. There is a suspicion that a lady is taking her son into the play area with a hammer and chisel and allowing her child to entertain himself chiselling away at the log. If anyone spots this lady, a quiet word may be sufficient to stop her from allowing her child to do this. If it continues it will need to be reported to the Police as vandalism. Damage to the log allows water to permeate deep into the timber speeding up the rotting process and considerably reducing the lifespan of this item which is enjoyed by many of our smaller park users.
If you have any information about this damage please contact the Police on 101 and the Anti Social Behaviour Dept at South Glos Council.
How to report antisocial behaviour / Beat Surgery / Diary
17 Sept 2018: List of bad behaviour in the Park
Please help us stop this by reporting any antisocial behaviour etc to the Police on 101 or if an incident is in progress call 999.
19 April 18: PCSO Amie and Sargeant Aqil enjoying the sunshine on foot patrols in Staple Hill Page Park this morning. They tweeted : Thanks to everyone for being so friendly, we’ve met some lovely children enjoying the sun & having a play in the park.
> DIARY of events
January 2018: Coffee with the Cops
Come along and meeting the local neighbourhood team to discuss any issues